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LexisNexis Practical Guidance®
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- International Content
- Air transport
Air transport in 23 jurisdictions worldwide
Click here to download the Air transport 2020 report, published by Getting the Deal Through.
Jurisdictions covered
The following 23 jurisdictions are covered in this report:
Argentina; Bahamas; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Chile; European Union; France; Germany; Greece; India; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Malta; Netherlands; Nigeria; Poland; Russia; Spain; Switzerland; United Kingdom; United States.
The set of questions relating to the topic of air transport and answered by the guide for each jurisdiction covered include:
- • Which bodies regulate aviation in your country? Under what basic laws?
Aviation operations
- • How is air transport regulated in terms of safety?
- • What safety regulation is provided for air operations that do not constitute public or commercial transport, and how is the distinction made?
- • How is access to the market for the provision of air transport services regulated?
- • What requirements apply in the areas of financial fitness and nationality of ownership regarding control of air carriers?
- • What procedures are there to obtain licences or other rights to operate particular routes?
- • What procedures are there for hearing or deciding contested applications for licences or other rights to operate particular routes?
- • Is there a declared policy on airline access or competition? What is it?
- • What requirements must a foreign air carrier satisfy in order to operate in your country?
- • Are there specific rules in place to ensure aviation services are offered to remote destinations when vital for the local economy?
- • How are charter services specifically regulated?
- • How are airfares regulated?
- • How is the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (drones) regulated?
- • Who is entitled to be mentioned in the aircraft register? What requirements or limitations apply to the ownership of an aircraft listed on your country’s register?
- • Is there a register of aircraft mortgages or charges? How does it function?
- • What rights are there to detain aircraft, in respect of unpaid airport or air navigation charges, or other unpaid debts?
- • Do specific rules regulate the maintenance of aircraft? What are they?
- • Who owns the airports?
- • What system is there for the licensing of airports?
- • Do specific rules regulate the maintenance of aircraft? What are they?
- • Are there laws or rules restricting or qualifying access to airports?
- • How are slots allocated at congested airports?
- • Are there any laws or rules specifically relating to ground handling? What are they?
- • Who provides air traffic control services? And how are they regulated?
Liability and accidents
- • What rules apply in respect of death of, or injury to, passengers or loss or damage to baggage or cargo in respect of domestic carriage?
- • Are there any special rules about the liability of aircraft operators for surface damage? What are they?
- • What system and procedures are in place for the investigation of air accidents?
- • Is there a mandatory accident and incident reporting system? How does it operate?
Competition law
- • Do sector-specific or general competition rules apply to aviation?
- • Is there a sector-specific regulator or are competition rules applied by the general competition authority?
- • How is the relevant market for the purposes of a competition assessment in the aviation sector defined by the competition authorities?
- • How have the competition authorities regulated code-sharing and air-carrier joint ventures?
- • What types of remedies have been imposed to remedy concerns identified by the competition authorities?
Financial support and state aid
- • Are there sector-specific rules regulating direct or indirect financial support to companies by the government or government-controlled agencies or companies (state aid) in the aviation sector? Is state aid regulated generally?
- • What are the main principles of the state aid rules applicable to the aviation sector?
- • Are there exemptions from the state aid rules or situations in which they do not apply?
- • Must clearance from the competition authorities be obtained before state aid may be granted? What are the main procedural steps for doing so?
- • If so, what are the main procedural steps to obtain clearance?
- • If no clearance is obtained, what procedures apply to recover unlawfully granted state aid?
- • What rules regulate denied boarding, cancellation or delay?
- • What rules apply to the sale of package holiday products?
- • Is there any other aviation-specific consumer legislation?
- • What mandatory insurance requirements apply to the operation of aircraft?
- • What legal requirements are there with regard to aviation security?
- • What serious crimes exist with regard to aviation?