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- Agribusiness
Agribusiness in 11 jurisdictions worldwide
Click here to download the Agribusiness 2020 report, published by Getting the Deal Through.
Jurisdictions covered
The following 11 jurisdictions are covered in this report:
Argentina; Australia; Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; India; Malaysia; Mexico; Netherlands; United States.
The set of questions relating to the topic of agribusiness and answered by the guide for each jurisdiction covered include:
- • What is the regulatory environment for meat and poultry?
- • What is the regulatory environment for all other human food?
- • What are the main non-governmental organisations and non-profit organisations in the agribusiness sector in your jurisdiction?
Land acquisition and use
- • Identify and summarise the enacted legislation addressing agricultural property transactions in your jurisdiction. Outline how farmland is typically held.
- • Outline any rules related to use of farmland for non-agricultural uses.
- • How is lending secured by farmland addressed in your jurisdiction? Do special rules apply for farm lending?
- • What special rules are important to agricultural lending in your jurisdiction?
- • Describe any rules relating to public control of farm property in your jurisdiction. What enacted legislation governs them?
- • Are there any restrictions on foreign ownership of farm property in your jurisdiction? What enacted legislation governs them?
Government programmes
- • Does the government provide agriculture support programmes to producers, processors or agriculture-related businesses and organisations? Outline the programmes and how they are generally accessed.
- • Are there any programmes addressing assistance or government incentives for investment by foreign ownership in agribusiness?
Food safety, certification programmes, animal safety and disease
- • List the main applicable enacted legislation for primary processors of live animals.
- • Describe food safety regulations for meat and poultry products, and all other food products in your jurisdiction.
- • What enforcement can take place in relation to food safety? What penalties may apply?
- • Describe any certification programmes and regulations for genetically modified foods and organic foods.
- • What are the food labelling requirements, including the applicable enacted legislation, enforcement and penalties?
- • List the main applicable enacted legislation regarding health of food animals, including transportation and disease outbreak and management.
- • What are the restrictions on the movement of animals within your country?
- • Where would one find the regulations related to livestock slaughtering?
- • Outline the regulatory regime for pesticides in your jurisdiction.
Business organisation
- • How are agricultural operations typically organised in your jurisdiction?
- • Outline any restrictions on foreign ownership of agricultural operations or businesses other than farming operations.
Agricultural workers, immigration, and health and safety
- • Describe any specific rules or laws governing the rights of workers or employees for agricultural operations.
- • How is farmworker immigration regulated in your jurisdiction?
- • Outline the health and safety regulations relating to farmworkers in your jurisdiction.
International trade
- • Describe the regulatory environment for animal product imports.
- • Describe the regulatory environment for all other food imports.
- • May tariffs, quotas or similar measures be put in place?
- • What treaties apply to the import and export of agricultural products in your jurisdiction?
Intellectual property
- • How are plant breeders’ property rights protected in your jurisdiction?
- • How is farmers’ access to crop varieties and plant technologies addressed in your jurisdiction?
- • What other intellectual property considerations apply to agribusiness in your jurisdiction?
Environmental issues
- • Describe the regulatory agencies that have a role in managing the environmental impact of agricultural production in your jurisdiction.
- • Describe how water and air pollution is regulated in relation to primary agriculture in your jurisdiction.
- • Describe how liquid and other waste is regulated in relation to primary agriculture in your jurisdiction.