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Name, directors, secretary, registered office and place of business

A company may have a distinctive name or may simply rely on its Australian Company Number (ACN) as its name. If a distinctive name is desired, the applicant may reserve the name with ASIC prior to registering the company at a later date. A company is required to use words or abbreviations, such as "Pty" and "Ltd", as part of its name depending on the type of company. If a company carries on business under a different business name from its corporate name, then it is required to register that business name under the national business name legislation.

A proprietary company is required to have at least one director (resident in Australia) and a public company is required to have at least three directors (at least two of whom are resident in Australia). All directors are required to be at least 18 years old. Prior to becoming a director, the person is required to provide written consent and certain personal details to the company.

A proprietary company is not required to have a secretary, but a public company must have at least one secretary. The secretary must be a resident in Australia. Prior to becoming a secretary, the person is required to provide written consent and certain personal details to the company.

A company must have at least one member, which may be an individual or another company or entity. For companies limited by shares, the member would also have a proprietary interest in the form of shares in the company. A person becomes a member in a company on registration if the application for registration specifies that such member has given their consent. On registration, the application is required to set out the number and class of shares held by the member and the amounts paid and unpaid on the shares held by the member.

A company is also required to have a registered address for correspondence and a principal place of business, which may not necessarily be the same. If the company does not occupy the registered address, then the occupier of that address must give its consent prior to registration of the company.

See Name, directors, secretaries, registered office and place of business.