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Fair Work Ombudsman

The Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) is established by Pt 5-2 Div 3 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act), and is made up of:

  • the FWO;
  • staff of the Office of the FWO; and
  • Fair Work Inspectors.

The Office of the FWO is responsible for compliance with and enforcement of the FW Act and related federal laws (including modern awards, enterprise agreements and other instruments made under the FW Act). It also has a focus on providing education and advice to all relevant parties about the Fair Work system.

The Office of the FWO has assumed increased importance in the federal workplace relations system in recent years, with a significant boost in resources aimed at ensuring high levels of compliance with workplace laws.

See Fair Work Ombudsman.