LexisNexis Practical Guidance®
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Overview — During the life of the contract

Monetary obligations and consumer credit contracts

NCC regulation of credit provider and debtor relationship during the life of the contract. After a credit contract is entered into, the National Credit Code continues to regulate the relationship between the credit provider and the debtor.

The NCC includes provisions about how and when interest and fees can be charged, and payments credited. This guidance note explains these provisions.

See Monetary obligations and consumer credit contracts.

Statements, information requests and notices for consumer credit contracts

NCC regulation of credit provider and debtor relationship during the life of the contract. After a credit contract is entered into, the National Credit Code continues to regulate the relationship between the credit provider and the debtor.

The NCC requires account statements to be given and certain information requests from the debtor must be complied with. This guidance note explains the relevant provisions and gives details on how notices can be given.

See Statements, information requests and notices for consumer credit contracts.

Variations to consumer credit contracts

NCC regulation of credit provider and debtor relationship during the life of the contract. After a credit contract is entered into, the National Credit Code continues to regulate the relationship between the credit provider and the debtor.

Notice must be given of unilateral changes to the contract. This guidance note explains how agreed changes must be confirmed before an agreed credit limit increase.

See Variations to consumer credit contracts.

End of consumer credit contracts

NCC regulation of credit provider and debtor relationship during the life of the contract. After a credit contract is entered into, the National Credit Code continues to regulate the relationship between the credit provider and the debtor.

The debtor and guarantor have a right to payout the contract, and a payout statement must be given on request. For consumer leases, an end of lease statement has to be sent at least 90 days before the end of the lease. This guidance note explains the process to end a contract.

See End of consumer credit contracts.